Selim Emir Can
I am a 4th year undergraduate student researcher in the Electrical Engineering Department at University of California,
Los Angeles working at the Visual Machines Group (VMG) under
Professor Achuta Kadambi. Additionally, I am very fortunate to be working on microscopy research under Professor Aydogan Ozcan.
My research interests lie in computational imaging and computer vision.
I want to explore its applications in remote sensing, medical imaging, AR/VR technology, and robotics.
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July 5th, 2024: Our paper has been arXived.
June 16th, 2024: Graduated from UCLA with Latin Honors!
May 29th, 2024: Filed my first patent titled "Methods and Apparatus to Detect and Classify Forms of Sleep Apnea" (UCLA Case no. 2024-253-1)
My current research work focuses on improving
neural networks through uncertainty quantification and virtual staining of unlabeled tissue images via deep learning.
Monocular Depth Meets Uncertainty: Towards Stable and Accurate Video Depth
Pradyumna Chari,
Selim Emir Can,
Alexander Vilesov,
Huaijin Chen,
Nitish Srivastava,
Achuta Kadambi
Under Review
Code (All Coming Soon!)
Thermal Imaging and Radar for Remote Sleep
Monitoring of Breathing and Apnea
Kai Del Regno,
Alexander Vilesov,
Adnan Armouti,
Anirudh Bindiganavale Harish,
Selim Emir Can,
Ashley E. Kita,
Achuta Kadambi
Under Review
Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering (2020-2024)